

演 員: OliviaColmanSteveEvets(6episodes2010)MilesJupp(6episodes2010)LucyLiemannSimonMcBurney(4episodes2010)
字幕選單: 中/英文
語言選單: 英語
介質: DVD9 碟數: 2 集數: 全集

零售價 NT $ 300 網路價 NT $ 250




Anybody can and does come into St Saviour’s – and into Adam’s life. From scheming MPs trying to educate their children on the cheap to Colin, a heavy drinking, unemployable lost soul who is Adam’s most devoted parishioner. Then there’s Mick, the local crackhead in need of 20 to visit his ‘dying mother’ in Southend… She’s died three times in the last 12 months.

Every day throws up a moral conflict for our vicar. Adam’s door must always be open to urban sophisticates with ulterior motives, the chronically lonely, the lost, the homeless, the poor and the insane. All are welcome at St Saviour’s and Adam can’t turn any of them away. Even if they’re clearly lying, mad or just very annoying.

In addition to caring for his flock Adam has to worry about the financial burden of running a huge, decaying building – with a smashed stained glass window – and a dwindling congregation. He has to contend with hopeless volunteers, ambitious church rivals, the sinister attentions of the Archdeacon and the romantic attentions of Adoha, a renowned ‘cassock-chaser’ and church regular. Even his supposedly supportive Lay Reader Nigel is a pedantic careerist who thinks he should be running the place himself.

作爲St Saviour教堂的副主教——牧師Adam每天都要應付著形形色 色的人,如當地議員想方設法的討好Adam讓自己的孩子進入教會學 校;Colin,一位酗酒、無家可歸的流浪漢,對Adam奇怪地忠誠; 還有Mick,一個地痞子癮君子,想騙取20磅以便去探望“家住遠方 的老母”——據他所述,他母親一年內“死”了3次...

牧師的每一天都要面對道德和現實的抉擇。Adam要對所有人都給予 幫助,無論是心懷不軌的人,寂寞的人,迷失的人,無家可歸的人 ,甚至精神錯亂的人。他要給予所有人寬容,不能拒絕他們。

除了照顧著他的信徒們,Adam還有一堆財政上的煩惱,對于年久失 修的教堂的修繕費用——最近教堂的彩繪玻璃窗還被破壞——還有 信衆人數的逐漸流失。他必須容忍著一無是處的自願者,教會競爭 對手,教會執事長的眼色,還有那位對神職人員有“特殊癖好的” 的女人Adoha的“特別關注”。連本應該作爲他助手的教堂伴讀僮 也一心想要篡位,自己做起副主教。

本喜劇由曾飾演《In the Loop》一角的男演員Tom Hollander飾演 主角Adam Smallbone牧師,他本人也參與了本劇的劇作,與編劇 James Wood(此人非彼James Wood)一起製作了劇本。于BBC 2台 播出。


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